First Fixed Speed Camera in California and Income-Dependent Fines

In San Francisco, for the first time in California, a speed enforcement system has been implemented across 33 locations citywide. This move will undoubtedly spark some controversy, but local authorities hope the speed cameras will help reduce accidents and injuries, noting that the cameras are only placed near schools and high-risk injury zones.

The speed cameras were activated last Thursday and will initially be used during a two-month trial period. After this period, local residents who speed will start receiving fines by mail. The locations of all cameras have been publicly disclosed, so it won’t take locals long to find out where they are located.


Fines will only be imposed if a driver exceeds the speed limit by 11 miles per hour. If they are driving 11 to 15 miles over the limit, the fine will be 50 dollars. The fine will increase to 100 dollars if the car is traveling 16-25 miles above the set limit, 200 dollars if the speed exceeds 26 miles, and 500 dollars if the car is traveling at 100 miles or more in the city. Fines will be halved for low-income individuals, estimated to be single earners making less than 30,120 dollars a year. Since the fines are purely civil penalties, no points will be added to the driver’s license.

Income Requirements for Low-Income Discount Eligibility
Household Size 1 2 3 4 5 6
Annual Income 30,120 dollars 40,880 dollars 51,640 dollars 62,400 dollars 73,160 dollars 83,920 dollars


According to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), it may issue up to 42,000 fines daily. In a discussion with ABC7 news, SFMTA transportation director Julia Kirshbaum noted that there will be warning signs at every intersection with a speed camera, and other cities across California may implement speed camera systems in the future.

The local advocacy group Walk SF states that 42 people were killed in accidents in San Francisco last year. The group is confident that the cameras will cause people to slow down.

“Speed cameras change behavior, leading to a reduction in accidents,” said Walk SF’s Public Affairs Director Marta Lindsey. “New York immediately saw dramatic results in behavior change, and very few people received second fines, so people learn quickly.”

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